Vacation Zen: Unwind in just 10-15 Minutes with Meditation and Yoga

Vacation Zen: Unwind in just 10-15 Minutes with Meditation and Yoga

Going on vacation can be a much-needed break from our busy lives, but it can also disrupt our regular self-care routine. If you’re looking to incorporate some mindfulness and movement into your vacation, here’s a quick 10-15 minute meditation and yoga routine that you can do almost anywhere.

Start with a 5-Minute Mindful Meditation

Find a quiet spot and take a seat. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you: the ocean waves, the birds, and any other natural sounds. Focus on your breath and feel it moving in and out of your body. Take a few deep breaths and as you exhale, release any tension in your body. Then, practice gratitude for being able to travel and experience new things. Take a moment to reflect on what you’re grateful for in your life right now.

Set an Intention in Child’s Pose

From the seated position, move into child’s pose. Take a few breaths here, then come up onto your hands and knees for a few rounds of Cat-Cow. Inhale and arch your back, exhale and round your spine. After 10 rounds, come back to a neutral spine and hold a plank for 10-15 seconds. Lower down to cobra for another 10-15 seconds, then move into downward dog for 10-15 seconds. Repeat this sequence 1-3 times, depending on how much time you have.

Move into Warrior Poses

From the final child’s pose, come up into mountain pose. From here, move into warrior 1, holding the pose for 10-15 seconds. Then, move into warrior 2, holding for another 10-15 seconds. Repeat this sequence on the other side. Finally, settle back into a forward fold and bring yourself into downward dog. End the routine with one final cobra and child’s pose.

The Benefits of a Quick Meditation and Yoga Routine

This routine is designed to help you create lymphatic flow, no matter where you are. This is great especially after a long flight! The mindful meditation can help you reduce stress and improve your overall mental health, while the yoga poses can help you stretch out any tension in your body and promote detoxification (which is super important when you are traveling). By setting an intention and expressing gratitude, you can start your day on a positive note and carry that energy with you throughout the rest of your vacation.

Yoga Pose Instructions

Child’s Pose:

  1. Start on your hands and knees, with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Bring your big toes together and separate your knees wide apart.
  3. Lower your hips back towards your heels and stretch your arms forward, resting your forehead on the mat.
  4. Relax your entire body and take deep breaths in and out through your nose.


  1. Start on your hands and knees, with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Inhale and arch your back, lifting your tailbone and head up towards the ceiling. This is Cow pose.
  3. Exhale and round your spine, tucking your tailbone under and bringing your chin towards your chest. This is Cat pose.
  4. Repeat for 10 rounds, moving smoothly between the two poses with each inhale and exhale.


  1. Start on your hands and knees, with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Step your feet back one at a time, coming into a straight line from your head to your heels.
  3. Engage your core and keep your shoulders directly over your wrists.
  4. Hold for 10-15 seconds, breathing deeply.


  1. Lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders, elbows close to your sides, and your forehead resting on the mat.
  2. Press into your hands and lift your chest and head off the mat, keeping your shoulders down and your elbows close to your sides.
  3. Keep your legs and feet active, pressing the tops of your feet into the mat.
  4. Hold for 10-15 seconds, breathing deeply.

Downward Dog:

  1. Start on your hands and knees, with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Lift your hips up and back, straightening your arms and legs and coming into an inverted V-shape.
  3. Spread your fingers wide and press your hands into the mat.
  4. Press your heels towards the floor and lengthen through your spine.
  5. Hold for 10-15 seconds, breathing deeply.

Mountain Pose:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward.
  2. Spread your toes and press evenly into the soles of your feet.
  3. Lengthen through your spine and engage your core.
  4. Roll your shoulders back and down, and lift your chest.
  5. Bring your palms together in front of your heart.

Warrior 1:

  1. Start in mountain pose.
  2. Step your left foot back about 3-4 feet, turning it out slightly to the left.
  3. Bend your right knee, keeping it directly over your ankle.
  4. Lift your arms overhead, reaching towards the sky.
  5. Keep your hips facing forward and your back leg straight and strong.
  6. Hold for 10-15 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Warrior 2:

  1. Start in mountain pose.
  2. Step your left foot back about 3-4 feet, turning it out to the left.
  3. Bend your right knee, keeping it directly over your ankle.
  4. Extend your arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor.
  5. Turn your head to gaze over your right hand.
  6. Keep your hips facing forward and your back leg straight and strong.
  7. Hold for 10-15 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Forward Fold:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward.
  2. Hinge forward at the hips, keeping your spine straight.
  3. Bring your hands to the floor, or rest them on your shins or thighs.
  4. Relax your neck and shoulders.
  5. Hold for a few deep breaths.

Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a beginner, give this routine a try and see how it makes you feel. Ps. I cannot make a post about yoga without mentioning my dear friend, healer, and favorite yoga instructor, Amanda Rush! If you are in the Siouxland (Iowa) area, check her out -if not, her IG has a lot of great content about mindfulness and motherhood – give her a follow.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes only. The author is not a licensed healthcare professional or yoga teacher, and the exercises and recommendations presented here may not be suitable for everyone. Before starting any new exercise routine, please consult with your healthcare provider or a qualified yoga instructor to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for your individual needs. The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any injuries or damages that may occur as a result of following the information provided in this blog post.

Top 10 Brain-Boosting Foods You Should Be Eating

Top 10 Brain-Boosting Foods You Should Be Eating

There is no denying that our diet significantly impacts our physical and mental health. The foods we consume can either boost or hinder our brain function, so it’s essential to pay attention to what we put in our bodies. Here are 10 brain-boosting foods that you should be eating:

  1. Blueberries – One of the first foods to ever earn the title of Superfood, blueberries are packed with antioxidants that protect the brain from oxidative stress and inflammation. They also contain a compound called anthocyanin, which has been shown to improve cognitive function and memory.
  2. Fatty Fish – Fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids essential for brain health. Omega-3s can improve memory, focus, and mood and are linked to a reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  3. Dark Chocolate – Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that can improve blood flow to the brain and stimulate the growth of new brain cells. It can also boost mood and reduce stress levels.
  4. Turmeric – Turmeric is a spice that contains curcumin, a compound that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Curcumin has been shown to improve memory and cognitive function in older adults.
  5. Nuts and Seeds – Nuts and seeds are rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects the brain from damage. They also contain healthy fats and protein, which can provide sustained energy and improve cognitive function.
  6. Broccoli – Broccoli is rich in vitamin K, which has been shown to improve cognitive processing speed. It also contains compounds called glucosinolates, which have anti-inflammatory properties that can protect the brain from damage.
  7. Eggs – Eggs are a great source of choline, a nutrient that is essential for brain function. Choline has been shown to improve memory and cognitive function.
  8. Avocado – Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fats, which can improve blood flow to the brain and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. It also contains vitamin K and folate, two nutrients that are important for brain health.
  9. Beets – Beets are high in nitrates, which can improve blood flow to the brain and improve cognitive function. They also contain antioxidants that protect the brain from damage.
  10. Leafy Greens – Leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, and collard greens, are packed with nutrients that are essential for brain health, including folate, vitamin K, and antioxidants.

Other foods to consider for brain health include Sage, Cinnamon, Hemp Seeds, and Sweet Potatoes!

I created a smoothie that includes as many of these brain-boosting foods as possible while still tasting great! More brain-boosting recipes are planned for the blog, and I will update this post as often as I can, but for now, Check out this smoothie!!!

super brain chocolate smoothie

Incorporating these brain-boosting foods into your diet can help improve your cognitive function, memory, and focus. Try adding blueberries to your breakfast smoothie, snacking on nuts and seeds in the afternoon, and including fatty fish in your weekly meal plan. Your brain (and body) will thank you!

Super-Brain Chocolate Smoothie Recipe

Super-Brain Chocolate Smoothie Recipe

Smoothies are a great way to load up on essential nutrients for brain health, and this brain-boosting chocolate smoothie is no exception. Loaded with antioxidants, healthy fats, and protein, this smoothie is a delicious and convenient way to support cognitive function and memory.

Here’s a breakdown of the brain-boosting ingredients in this smoothie:

Spinach – Spinach is packed with nutrients that are essential for brain health, including vitamin K, folate, and antioxidants. These nutrients can help improve cognitive function and protect the brain from damage.

Blueberries – Blueberries are one of the most antioxidant-rich foods out there. They contain a type of flavonoid called anthocyanin, which has been shown to improve cognitive function and memory.

Avocado – Avocado is rich in monounsaturated fats, which can improve blood flow to the brain and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. It also contains vitamin K and folate, two nutrients that are important for brain health.

Chia Seeds – Chia seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain function. Omega-3s can improve memory, focus, and mood, and have also been linked to a reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Almond Butter – Almond butter is a great source of healthy fats, protein, and vitamin E, all of which are important for brain health.

Banana – Bananas are a good source of vitamin B6, which can help improve cognitive function. They also contain fiber and potassium, which can help regulate blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

Cacao Powder – Cacao powder is rich in flavonoids that can improve blood flow to the brain and stimulate the growth of new brain cells. It can also boost mood and reduce stress levels.

Honey – Honey is a natural sweetener that can provide sustained energy and improve cognitive function.

To make this brain-boosting chocolate smoothie, simply blend all of the ingredients together until smooth. Enjoy this delicious and nutritious smoothie as a breakfast or snack to support your brain function and overall health.

Super Brain Chocolate Smoothie

Loaded with antioxidants, healthy fats, and protein, this smoothie is a delicious and convenient way to support cognitive function and memory.
Course: Drinks
Keyword: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Smoothie
Servings: 1 Person
Calories: 541kcal



  • 1 Cup of Spinach
  • 1/2 Cup of Blueberries
  • 1/2 Cup Frozen Avocado
  • 1 Cup of Almond Milk
  • 1 tbsp Chia Seeds
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 1 tbsp raw and unfiltered honey


  • Combine all of the ingredients in a high-power blender and blend until creamy.
    1 Cup of Spinach, 1/2 Cup of Blueberries, 1/2 Cup Frozen Avocado, 1 Cup of Almond Milk, 1 tbsp Chia Seeds, 1 tbsp almond butter, 1 frozen banana, 1 tbsp raw cacao powder, 1 tbsp raw and unfiltered honey


Serving: 2Cups | Calories: 541kcal | Carbohydrates: 74g | Protein: 12g | Fat: 28g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 8g | Monounsaturated Fat: 15g | Trans Fat: 0.02g | Sodium: 361mg | Potassium: 1266mg | Fiber: 19g | Sugar: 41g | Vitamin A: 3045IU | Vitamin C: 34mg | Calcium: 488mg | Iron: 4mg
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!
Turkey Meatloaf Recipe

Turkey Meatloaf Recipe

This turkey meatloaf packs a punch with lean protein and essential nutrients, making it a family favorite and a weeknight staple!

Let’s talk protein in my turkey meatloaf recipe, shall we?

Protein is crucial for building and repairing tissues in our bodies, and it’s also critical for brain health. Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, are essential in producing neurotransmitters that regulate our mood, energy, and cognitive function.

Sadly, many adults don’t get enough protein, particularly if they adhere to fad diets or restrict certain food groups. That’s why the turkey meatloaf recipe from “Eat Clean 21” is a fantastic option for those looking to increase their protein intake. With two pounds of ground turkey in the recipe, you can be confident you’re fueling your brain with the amino acids it needs to function at its best.

This meatloaf is loaded with nutrients!!!!

Minced garlic, finely chopped onion, celery, and bell pepper are all vegetables that are packed with essential nutrients. Here’s a breakdown of some of the key nutrients found in each ingredient:

  • Garlic: Garlic is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese. It also contains sulfur compounds that have been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Onion: Onions are high in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and folate. They also contain quercetin, a flavonoid that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Celery: Celery is a good source of vitamin K, vitamin C, and potassium. It also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help protect against chronic diseases.
  • Bell Pepper: Bell peppers are high in vitamin C, vitamin A, and potassium. They also contain antioxidants like carotenoids and flavonoids that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects.

Combining these nutrient-dense veggies with lean protein provides a powerful dose of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can support your overall health and well-being. Let’s not forget about the ancient fine sea salt and coconut aminos that give this recipe an extra flavor boost!

The best part is: This recipe is so freaking easy to make! Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, pour it into a greased loaf pan, and bake for an hour. Boom! You have a delicious and healthy meal that will satisfy and energize you.

This recipe is featured in my 21-Day Detox and Cleans book, Eat Clean 21!

Turkey Meatloaf Recipe Featured In Eat Clean 21

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Another fad diet book? No thanks.” But trust me, “Eat Clean 21” is different. It’s all about fueling your body with whole, nutritious foods that will provide you with the energy and clarity you need to crush your goals, rather than depriving yourself or counting calories.

So, if you’re ready to take control of your health and ditch fad diets, grab your copy of “Eat Clean 21” on Amazon today. You’ll have access to many mouthwatering recipes that will make healthy eating a breeze, and trust me, your taste buds and brain will thank you.

What are you waiting for? Head to Amazon and grab your copy of “Eat Clean 21” today. Trust me, your taste buds and your brain will thank you.

Turkey Meatloaf Refipe By Jess Carrier

Turkey Meatloaf

This turkey meatloaf packs a punch with lean protein and essential nutrients, making it a family favorite and a weeknight staple! Featured in Eat Clean 21 By Jessica Carrier
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Paleo
Servings: 8 Servings
Calories: 144kcal


  • 1 large egg beaten
  • 1 tsp garlic minced
  • 1/2 large onion chopped
  • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp ancient fine sea salt
  • 2 tbsp coconut aminos
  • 1/2 stock celery finely chopped
  • 1/2 bell pepper finely chopped
  • 2 lbs ground turkey


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Spray a loaf pan with non-stick spray.
  • In a large bowl, gently combine all ingredients.
    1 large egg, 1 tsp garlic, 1/2 large onion, 1/2 tsp ground black pepper, 1 tsp ancient fine sea salt, 2 tbsp coconut aminos, 1/2 stock celery, 1/2 bell pepper, 2 lbs ground turkey
  • Grease a 9 x 5 loaf pan with coconut or olive oil.
  • Pour mixture into loaf pan and spread evenly.
  • Bake for 60 minutes. Remove from oven. Let sit for 10 minutes before serving.


Calories: 144kcal | Carbohydrates: 2g | Protein: 28g | Fat: 3g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 1g | Trans Fat: 0.02g | Cholesterol: 83mg | Sodium: 442mg | Potassium: 372mg | Fiber: 0.3g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 293IU | Vitamin C: 10mg | Calcium: 10mg | Iron: 1mg
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!
Spring Equinox & Letting Shit Go

Spring Equinox & Letting Shit Go

I attended a peaceful yoga/meditation class with Amanda Rush on Tuesday evening. The class was in celebration of the spring equinox. Amanda mentioned something during the meditation that caught my attention. She referred to spring as the new year. The focus was on creating a new beginning and letting go of all garbage from the past year. At first, this was weird for me, as I had already attempted this in January! You know… “New Year, New Me!!!” Only to quickly get knocked back down on my ass, leaving the rest of the month incredibly dense. 

Amanda’s words sparked some curiosity in me. I began to wonder about the connection between spring and the new year. I spent the next two days researching the history of the calendar, astrological years, lunar years, etc. 

What I learned was on point with what I was thinking.

Spring equinox is the beginning of a new astrological year, and up until the Julian calendar went into effect, March 25th was the original beginning of each new calendar year. This makes sense as spring starts the beginning of everything in nature; however, a long ass time ago, a roman emperor who was superstitious about numbers decided to add two more months to the calendar and screw up all of the days. 

Honestly, I have read so much and I can’t find a legitimate reason for changing the calendar that makes sense. I did read that January was named after Janus, the Roman god of all beginnings. Cool story bro… I don’t know about you, but I look around in January and see nothing new in nature beginning (at least in the US Midwest).

Could this be why most “new year’s resolutions” don’t work out? Or, possibly, why the baggage from the previous year(s) tend to linger? Here we all are, in the dead of winter (when the rest of nature is dormant), some of us drowning in seasonal depression, setting intentions and goals to be healthier, more organized, and better versions of ourselves, only to fall on our faces! I don’t know about you, but usually, by spring, I say screw it and hope for better things to come the next year. 

I thought it didn’t work.

Shortly after the meditation, where I had asked god to help me let all things go and look at this spring as a new beginning, I found myself crying on the bedroom floor. “Would you look at that” I thought to myself, “the meditation didn’t work.”

That was until I realized, this wasn’t depression. This was my soul literally cleansing and letting go of everything I had held onto for so long.

This was unlike any other time (women tend to cry often, but this was different). I literally felt all of the baggage leaving my body until a moment where there was nothing left. 

Then I seen the light.

It felt rough in the moment, but as soon as I came to a more stable place, I could feel as though the universe had finally given me a clean slate to work with. Was this rock-bottom or a bomb-ass cleanse? Did the meditation actually work? I can tell you this: my throat hurts, my eyes are puffy, and my head is now killing me, but I have never felt more clean and optimistic about the future. 

I have been through some crap in my life, but at no point had I ever asked, in a meditative state, to be able to let it all go. When the universe delivered, and I let it all go, I soon realized how much I had been carrying. My tears cleansed my spirit as the spring showers cleanse mother nature.

What if?

I wonder what would happen if we all could align our goals, new intentions, and growth with the seasons of nature. What if we let spring wash away all of the shit from the year before, not just in the weather but in our minds, bodies, and spirits? What if we then ushered in all of the new, pleasant things, dreams, and goals into our lives along with the spring equinox and the blooming of the flowers?

I think if you want to get more organized, eat cleaner, or exercise more, or ask to let go of the baggage you have been holding onto, forget January (did I mention that month sucks?) The TIME IS NOW. 

Don’t be discouraged if your New Year’s goals didn’t work out. Everything in nature was going against you. Try again this spring, and see how it goes. 

I’m leaving the previous notion that new beginnings are the first of the calendar year, and I’m celebrating with spring equinox. I’m taking the goldfish too… Who’s coming with me?

That was referencing Jerry McGuire for those of you who didn’t get it 🙂

I did a similar Tik Tok series on this experience. Feel free to check it out.. and if you want to do a Nutritional Cleanse this spring… I just so happened to have created an entire program, and it’s available on Amazon! Keep scrolling…..

You don’t have to fight any fight alone, seek help whether you are asking god, or the universe, attending meditations, energy healing, or seeking professional help from a counselor or psychologist.

The information I have provided in this article is of my own personal experience and is not meant as medical or mental health advice. I am not a doctor and I am not making claims that this tool will heal you or even work for you. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis please visit your nearest hospital or call 911.

If you or someone you know may be struggling with suicidal thoughts, you can call the U.S. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) any time, day or night, or chat online. Their Crisis Text Line also provides free, 24/7, confidential support via text message to people in crisis when they dial 741741.

Spring Cleaning For Your Body: Eat Clean 21

Spring Equinox Cleanse