Stop Faking It Until You Make It—Here’s What to Do Instead

 Let’s Explore the real difference between ‘faking it till you make it’ and fully embodying the person you dream of becoming. And be sure to stick around—there’s an exciting announcement at the end of this post that you definitely don’t want to miss!

I get it all the time—weekly, sometimes even daily. People comment on how many things I’ve managed to accomplish or how many skills I’ve picked up over the years. I even have a friend who jokes about making a billboard that reads, “There’s nothing Jess can’t do.” Whether it’s small business ownership, economic development, website design, photography, home decor—you name it. But here’s the thing: I’m not some kind of prodigy. My method is actually quite simple.

I Never Once Thought I Couldn’t Do It

It’s really that simple. I wanted to be a photographer, so I visualized myself as one. And then I became one. No doubt, no hesitation. And guess what? You can do it too.

Some people struggle with visualization—and that’s totally okay. Here’s a quick exercise for you: think of anything you desire. It could be money, weight loss, physical fitness, better relationships, an amazing circle of friends, health, or even all of the above. Now picture it—this transformed version of you. Imagine yourself flexing those muscles in a tank top, rocking a bikini, strolling around your dream house, slipping into those jeans hidden in the back of your closet, holding hands with the love of your life, or being surrounded by friends who genuinely value you. Whatever it is—see it, feel it, experience it in your mind. Write it down if it helps you.

Embody It—Don’t Just Fake It

Here’s where the magic lies. Moving forward, start making decisions as if that future version of you is already here. Every choice you make should come from that place. Not from a place of lack or need, but from a place of abundance. It’s like you’re already that person and now it’s just about maintaining that state, not striving desperately to reach it.

“Fake it till you make it” is just a facade. And your subconscious mind? It knows better. Faking it can keep you locked in a mindset of lacking, of chasing. But when you fully embody the transformed version of yourself—both in public and in private—your mind has no choice but to align with that reality. Your subconscious kicks into action, guiding you to make decisions that bring about the abundance you’re visualizing.

The Power of Your Mindset

There’s so much more to this exercise than what I can fit into this post, but trust me—it’s one of the first things I teach all of my clients. And guess what? They see lasting progress. Why? Because this work changes the way you operate at your core.

But Jess, I Thought You Were a Nutritionist?

I am! I’m a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach. But here’s the deal: nutrition, to me, is anything that feeds you. Yes, this includes food, but it also involves your psychology, your spirituality, your environment, your relationships—literally everything that nourishes or influences you. That’s the only way to make any kind of lasting change, whether it’s weight loss or achieving peak levels of wellness.

So yes, I can help you with meal planning and clean eating. But we often need to dig deeper to uncover what’s holding you back before we can move forward.

The Announcement: Let’s Get Unstuck Together!

Right now, I’m offering a coaching program that includes weekly sessions, my published books, and access to me via text—for a price lower than ever before! I want to help as many of you as possible to get unstuck. Let’s fill my calendar and start this journey together. Check it out here —–> Transformational Nutrition Coaching