
Weight Loss – Brain Health – Mindset

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change, But Can’t Seem to get un-stuck?

Private coaching is a deeply personalized opportunity to help you finally break free and live the life you’ve always wanted.  

Want to know what is cooler than working with a health coach and working with a life coach? Working with someone who is both! On the journey to better health, we will uncover all of the things keeping you stuck and crush your goals! 

How To Get Started:

Get in Touch.

We will briefly discuss your goals and how we can work together. This is a great way to determine if we’re a good fit.

Complete Forms.

Once we decide to work together, I will need to gather the “big picture” of your overall health. I require A LOT of information. By using these forms, I am able to prepare for our ongoing sessions and provide you with the best recources in correlation to your unique needs. It can be a lot of work in the beginning, but will save us both time in the long run.

Schedule Your Intake Session!

In your intake session, we will discuss your goals, work to refine them, review your health assessment, food journal, and work together to start creating a plan that will help you reach your goals. This is where the magic starts! 

Do The Work.

If you’re ready to do the work alongside a consistent and well-educated accountability partner, this is where its at! In our ongoing sessions we will monitor the progress of your initial goals and make adjustments to your plan when needed. 

Scope of Practice

I am not a medical doctor. As a Holistic Health Specialist and Transformational Nutrition Coach, I do not diagnose, treat, prescribe, interpret labs, cure or prevent any illness or disease, or practice medical nutritional therapy. Healing, I believe, is what the body is designed to do when given the right knowledge and tools. For medical & mental health care, consult with your trusted provider.

What I do…

I help my clients transform their mindsets and navigate clean nutrition.  I define nutrition as anything that feeds you physically, mentally, and spiritually. By using the Transformational Nutrition model (a holistic approach), I’m able to help each person I work with as a whole, rather than a set of symptoms. I will never recommend a dangerous diet, juice cleanse or ever mention calorie counting, EVER. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions surrounding my credentials or scope of practice. 

My Nutrition Philosophy

Do The Best You Can With What You Have

Eat the best quality of food that you can possibly afford. Can’t afford organic? Invest in a great vegetable wash. Can’t afford Vitamin D supplements? Eat plenty of oranges and get outside in the sun!  Keeping a healthy lifestyle does not have to be expensive.

Put Your Gut FIRST

Your gut houses a large community of microbes. These microbes affect many functions of the body including; your immune system, neurological activity, and your metabolism. 

Listen To Your Body, Rather Than Counting Calories!

Our bodies are not calculators, and the calorie counting philosophy of “calories in and calories out”  often leads people to under eat and does not encourage them to focus on eating nutrient-dense foods. Instead of calorie counting, try journaling. How do you feel right now? What did you eat 24-36 hours ago? Pay attention to what your body is telling you.

Don't Eat It, Have it In Your Home, or Put It On Your Skin If You Cannot Pronounce It!

Eat Real Food! Food that comes from plants, animals, or the sea – not created in a lab. I don’t consider it to be “real” if I cannot pronounce it.  If you must do packaged or processed food, look for labels with fewer than 5 ingredients. 

My Ideal Clients 

I do not accept all clients. If you’re not 100% ready, willing, and committed to doing the work before, during, and long after our sessions, I’m not the right coach for you.

I also only coach people on things I can personally support. I will not help you with your goals if they are harmful to others – physically, mentally, or spiritually.

They're not looking for a quick fix.

If you’re looking for a magic supplement, diet plan, or quick to do list that will change your life, you are in the wrong place. In fact, no such thing exists.

They do the damn thing.

Of course everyone would enjoy spending their Sunday evening watching Netflix rather than planning and prepping a week of meals. Who really wants to spend time reading food labels? It’s not always easy to make change, but if you always do what you have always done, in the long run you will end back up right where you are now. My clients realize this, and they are ready to do what it takes! 

They don't blame others.

Sure, family genetics could have pre-disposed you to the health issues you’re dealing with today. Childhood trauma could have impacted the choices that you make and your fear of change. Ultimately, my clients acknowledge these things and know that the generational changes they are seeking starts with them.

They expect me to be authentic.

My clients are finally ready for someone to tell them the truth and guide them in an authentic, yet caring way. I’m not your hand-holding & soft spoken kindergarten teacher. I’m here to help you dig deep and create lasting change. I will give it to you  straight AF. If you’re not a “heck yeah” kind of person, we’re probably not a good fit. 

What are my credentials?

Certified Transformational Nutrition Coaches (CTNC) are modern day coaches guided by the philosophy that  nutrition is anything that feeds you physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Modern-day concepts, not outdated, generic health advice.

We only study modern nutrition, scientific research, psychology, and coaching concepts – based in cutting-edge science – including the Transformational Nutrition Model that combines physical, mental, and spiritual nutrition.

ITN graduates challenge and question the status quo and are leaders rather than followers. We choose to do away with outdated and inadequate methods and focus our efforts on a very “new school,” science-based, integrative approach to healing and coaching.

Fully Accredited Education

CTNC the most comprehensive coaching certification available. The institute of Transformational Nutrition is partnered and accredited with the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC), The National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP), and Carnegie Melon University.  The ciriculum at ITN goes much deeper than generic “Health Coach Schools” 

A real coach, not just a cheerleader.

CTNC’s provide educational resources and help guide you on your journey. We help you get to the root cause of issues you’re facing and make lasting changes.

We Walk The Walk

CTNCs receive their own coaching throughout their education and most continue on with he process thereafter. Many of us are on a personal journey of transformation. Some of us are further along the path than others. CTNCs fully embrace their own transformation, while learning to help others on their journey!

We work beyond food and dieting, and get RESULTS!

We combine physical health with modern-day concerns ranging from such as mental health, cultural factors, relationships, and how to overcome past trauma, just to name a few.