Jessica Carrier

My Story

“Jack of all trades, master of none – Is oftentimes better than a master of one.”

My Story

I left the United States Air Force in 2008 with a degree in Information Technology. From there, I tried several career paths, but ultimately discovered I was an entrepreneur at heart and working for “the man” was never gonna fly. Once I tapped into my creative genius, I was on fire! I started and grew three successful businesses, raised a couple of good-hearted boys, and renovated my house from top to bottom. On the outside, I looked like a freaking rockstar: one of the top 10 photographers in the country, a good momma, a successful coffee company owner, the list goes on. 

On the inside, however, I struggled with the worst ADHD symptoms ever and battled every day, just trying to keep my head above water. To heal myself, I dove into holistic health practices, eliminating my ADHD symptoms. This allowed me to run my business more efficiently and approach motherhood with a clear head. I was back in business! In 2021, I became Certified as a Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP). I couldn’t wait to help heal other people in a one-on-one setting. I struggled with one question: “What are people going to think of me now? I have taken on so many endeavors (photo, web, coffee, economic development), and it’s only a matter of time before no one takes me seriously.” I was just on the brink of setting up a coaching office when tragedy struck my family, and I went to the darkest place I’ve ever known mentally.


This was a huge setback. I had to close my business and put the health coaching on hold. To dig my way out of the darkness, I went back to the basics of the Jess I knew in my heart – the creative stuff. I started creating content on TikTok, completely renovated a 1973 Motorhome, and even wrote two books (incorporating holistic health)! While only time can heal what I experienced, I discovered so much about my capabilities in my darkest hour by pouring into what and who I love.  I spent a lot of time asking myself where I go from here, and I had a profound discovery. 

The world had encouraged me to consistently try to find my niche, to pick that one thing that I wanted to be. I was afraid people would think i was insane switching from one hat to another. I, however, discovered that I’m allowed to wear many hats. Doing so brings such joy to my life. It is liberating for me to offer both Health Coaching and Website Design while simultaneously taking on DIY projects. Life is too short to try to fit into one small box.

Today, I am a happy camper who went viral on TikTok for a DIY Dollar Tree gnome, and my book Eat Clean 21 hit the top 22 new releases on Amazon in its first week! 

Nowadays, when I’m not covered in paint, coaching a client, or designing a website, I’m either working with my teens on their high school education (yes, I homeschool, too) or wandering the aisles of my favorite thrift store and Home Depot, envisioning my next project.